The Blackout Club Wiki

Interaction Information

Date: April 2, 2021
Player(s): Endgame3729, Fliss Knockwood, Ryder (Oxenfree), Otackozoy
Interacted With: Grandmother
Major details from the Interaction:

  • Wayka says the Voice’s recent penchant for secrecy means their pairing ritual will be unlike previous rituals.
  • Their secrecy may not be due to the voices invading town, and their hidden motive has created a divide between themselves and the Watchers, a divide she intends to use against them.

Video of Interaction

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Endgame: Just builds a replica- (CLOSE YOUR EYES prompt interrupts)

WAYKA: fliss, when the last voice was paired…

EG: Whaaao… Okay.

WAYKA: there was such a ritual. smaller, then…

Fliss: Right… So there is a ritual when the Voice is chosen.

WAYKA: the voice you know now… well

WAYKA: changes crept in. secretive. recently...

WAYKA: before i was caged by your club...

WAYKA: they were speaking of new precautions

WAYKA: a hidden location. a night in which...

WAYKA: even lucids, who do not sleep anymore...

WAYKA: would black out. Be led to the site.

WAYKA: the time. the place. not announce.

EG: (Switches to push to talk, unaware EH can still hear.) I like how everyone just went all quiet about it! (Laughs.)

EG: Who the hell is this… Fliss is here… Grandmother! Okay, okay… Well thank god Fliss knew who the f*ck it was…

EG: (Reads Wayka’s words aloud.) Grandmother’s telling us a story… Alrighty.

Fliss: That would make it difficult to interrupt.

WAYKA: the changing of the guard. sudden.

EG: (Reads Wayka’s words aloud.) Something about a hidden location…

WAYKA: when the young, usually young hopefuls…

EG: (Excited and still unaware EH can hear him) Two Fridays in a row of getting a voice, yeah, man!

WAYKA: have been quietly identified. made ready

EG: (Reads Wayka’s words aloud.) So this is all lore, going on… Right now. Do I understand a lot of it? No… But hey! We’re getting something here.

WAYKA: endgame? is that your name? hush

EG: (Panicked laughter, realizes EH can hear him.)

WAYKA: you do not need to understand it all/ grandmother is speaking. best listen.

EG: Listening. Sorry.

WAYKA: apology accepted

WAYKA: when i was one of the watchers…

WAYKA: who speak for the sleeping god

WAYKA: we thought all this security was because...

WAYKA: of the enemy voices infecting our town

WAYKA: now, though, i find myself…

WAYKA: second guessing anything they say

Fliss: I don’t blame you, they’ve been keeping so much from the Watchers… If you had to guess-

WAYKA: especially if it might serve their… leaders

Fliss: Wait, the Voice has leaders?

WAYKA: they claim not to be/ but they keep secrets. you tell me.

Fliss: Well… We always assumed that… Huh…

WAYKA: the watchers know less than they do.

Fliss: We’ve always assumed that the Voice was, you know, the Voice…

(Ryder, over discord: They are. I don’t think she meant that. She just meant question their motives.)

WAYKA: what do you mean by that?

Fliss: Oh… Nothing, nothing, I misunderstood, I’m sorry. But Watchers… Yeah, they… We know that stuff is being kept from them. One of the other voices told us so.

WAYKA: exactly

Fliss: So, there’s…

WAYKA: they were meant as a safeguard, only/ experts in the old tongue…/ interpreting the song into words and back

Fliss: Turning into something else, haven’t they?

WAYKA: to ensure errors would not creep in/ but somewhere along the way/ they thought secrecy was a viable tool/ that. whether they admit it or not/ is a divide. and i mean to exploit it.

Ryder: (Typed) It’s so difficult to doubt them, so difficult not to… Fliss: Well… I agree. They’re all about unity, but if they’re creating their own division…

Wayka: yes. young ryder. you should know.

Wayka: they will never admit they created it

Fliss: Of course not. The same way they get rid of any information that goes against their perfect, ideal self. Selves.

Wayka: now. grandmother is busy.

Wayka: but i felt i owed you… something meaty

Ryder: (Typed): Good luck out there…

Fliss: Well thank you… So we just have to keep an eye out for all the lucids and everyone heading out to one area, in case… But there’s gotta be some sort of way to interrupt that ritual. Is… If there is one.

Ryder: (Typed): Goodnight, grandmother. Please don’t hurt the watchers...

Wayka: i will think on it. for now.../ even helping to know when and where/ is a mountain unto itself. now. you kids…/ scat.
