The Blackout Club Wiki

Interaction Information

Date: July 24, 2020
Player(s): Azhaiel, Kyte01, JermsTurtleSong
Interacted With: THEE-I-DARE
Major details from the Interaction:

  • THEE-I-DARE visits Azhaiel in order to answer a Light of Rebellion regarding The Dead Skeptics and asks the players about them and what do they want. After being told that they are telling kids to renounce all of The Voices, he says that doing so quiets us to them. In children the effects are weaker, their convictions are more fluid but a mind hiding is significant.
  • He introduces himself to Kyte and Jerms and after being told that he is popular, he says that he is flattered but unnerved at the same time. THEE-I-DARE then says that old friends in The Blackout Group are seeking The Dead Skeptics, but he will not tell the players who he is talking about. He says that one of them sought entry, months ago and that all of them are adults, somehow connected to eachother, including Unknown Caller but he is skeptical if we can help the Caller yet has some hope.
  • He thinks that his kind will not trust the Skeptics but Lenka Staneck believes that they desired to help Bells and that they want to help the kids. Their methods alarmed Staneck however, anonymous contact with children through means THEE-I-DARE does not understand. He doesn't judge them becuase he understands that methods vary and hopes that they are not a new foe, at least to our Club.
  • THEE-I-DARE says that he is inexpert of these outsiders and that the choice to renounce The Voices for the Skeptics is not easily made for most of the kids

Video of Interaction

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No transcript provided.
