The Blackout Club Wiki
Story Timeline Event
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Event Information

Date: January 30, 2021
Characters: (none)
Relevant Interactions: 1, 2

Event Details

Warning: Current Plot Spoilers
This section contains details about current plot threads.

SPEAK-AS-ONE issued ominous warnings about "Sundown". Kids who followed SPEAK-AS-ONE were told that if they wanted to be safe, they had to stalk. Otherwise, if they were caught with the Club, the Angel would not spare them. They would be judged with the group. Claiming they had all the Old Tongue they needed, they said they sought the Old Tongue for whatever Sundown was. All that was known was that it had to do with the Voice.

The Dead Skeptic also warned players that SPEAK-AS-ONE was gathering all of their clandestine operatives from the east coast and calling them home. They warned that whatever they were doing, they wanted everyone to have a hand in it. According to what they overheard while they were following Chiara, the agents are coming back to watch the anointing or crowning ceremony of the new Voice. They have chosen one of the pair, but they are looking for the second pair amongst kids the Club's age.[1]

THEE-I-DARE doesn't believe it is a mass killing event, but rather a mass conversion event, SPEAK-AS-ONE's crescendo.[2]

Grandmother believes it has something to do with Bells[citation needed], while HUNT-THE-STRONG, through his proxy the Unknown Caller, believes SPEAK-AS-ONE is bringing everyone back to make someone kneel and to make an example of someone.[3]


  1. Player Interaction (12 February 2021). Link to Interaction.
  2. Player Interaction (10 April 2021). Link to Interaction.
  3. Player Interaction (13 March 2021). Link to Interaction.
